Monday, December 23, 2013

Learner Profile Stars

Congratulations to the students who earned Learner Profile Stars for Communicator and Reflective!
Keep up the good work!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Multiplication Ice Cream Party

After 12 weeks of practicing multiplication facts, the 3rd grade got to celebrate with a Sundae Party!

Be on the lookout in the first party of January for the new multiplication challenge. And get ready to start division facts too!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rube Goldberg

What do you get when you combine lots of trash/recyclables, a buzzer, and small groups? Chaos, noise, and a Rube Goldberg machine that worked... well, sort of!

For two weeks, the class reviewed simple machines and did Rube Goldberg practice challenges.


Then it was time to get into small groups and put together a class machine. Boxes, ramps, balls, marbles, lots of tape, marble works… the room was a complete disaster! But great ideas and wonderful teamwork made for a fun two days!