Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sound Challenges

I realize we've been done with our Sound unit for weeks... but the kids loved the unit and I thought I'd share some of the work we did.

Visiting Ms. Streit's classroom to see oobleck "dance" from the vibrations of the song through the amp.

The lower the pitch, the faster the oobleck danced... until it jumped right off the amp!
This unit involved lots of hands-on experiments. The kids tested how well sound vibrations moved through solids, liquids, and the air. We tested with high and low pitches by changing the length and tension of the instruments. We also tested with loud and soft volumes using megaphones (not my favorite day).

To wrap up the unit, the students wrote a Sound and Light Magazine. This summarized their research and practiced using nonfiction text features. They also completed Sound Challenges, combining the investigations throughout the unit to solve a problem.