Thursday, January 9, 2014


A whole extra week of Winter Break! As much as I LOVED the extra time with Emily, we were going pretty stir crazy. It's amazing what a trip to Target can do when you've been stuck inside for three days!

But with this week off, I've done lots of planning, creating, and Pinterest-ing for ideas to make practicing for our upcoming standardized tests meaningful, targeted, and fun. It's going to be an intense couple of months! Our third grade team has already collaborated on some practice packets, which you'll see coming home soon.

We're really targeting the open ended questions:
*Reading Response:  Read a lengthy passage and answer a question using evidence from the text (length:  approximately 8-10 sentences)
*Writing:  Write a story from your life with a focus on organization and word choice
*Math:  multi-step problems solving and explaining how to solve the problem

For in-class practice, I'll be creating binders that will change each week (Reading will change every other week).
*4 Reading Activities
*1 Reading Game
*4 Grammar/Phonics Activities
*4 Math Activities
*1 Math Game

But this is where I'll need your help! Putting these binders together is a pretty laborious project, and while I think it's HUGELY important, any help you can provide would be much appreciated!
--Run copies
--Change out the activities (These will be switched out of the plastic page protectors each week)

Send me a note or email to let me know if you're interested in helping out. The binders will change every Friday, but whenever you're available will be great!