Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prepping for the Test

It seems like everything we're doing right now circulates around preparing for ISTEP and IREAD. Test taking strategies, constructed response formats, working in a time frame, reading longer passages, taking tests on a computer, writing math procedures... So much goes into getting the kids comfortable to sit down and take a lengthy, high stakes test. And no matter how we feel about the testing itself, we want them to feel as though they can tackle whatever "The Test Lady" throws at them.

The good news is, even with all this test preparation, it's not sacrificing quality instruction and the learning of skills to be successful next year. We'll still do reading, writing, and math--there will just be time set aside to show how test questions could be asked about what we're doing! (PS--Science and Social Studies will be taught too! But since we don't test over them, I won't tie it into test taking prep).

Things We're Doing In Class To Prepare:
*IREAD practice test (coming soon)
*ISTEP practice reading test (closer to the multiple choice test in May)
*Daily Reading Review
*Reading lessons:  reading longer passages, finding the answer in the text, constructed responses, multiple choice questions
*Reading small groups:  targeted practice on skills that need support
*Online reading tests
*IREAD practice packets
*Writing prompts:  how to answer a prompt, prewriting, organizing into paragraphs, editing, grading
*Daily Math Review
*Math problem solving:  multi-step problems, explain how you solved, key words
*Math work stations:  leveled activities to brush up on difficult skills based on the Math AYP
*Multiple Choice practice:  how to read, 50/50 strategy, go back to the text
*Reading/Math/Grammar practice book:  worksheets and games to be completed every two weeks

Things You Can Do At Home:
*Moby Max:  both reading and math (Login information:  Username--96 number, Password--last name in all capital letters)
*Optional practice packets
*Open ended question practice:  criteria, ideas, and procedures will be coming home in the next two weeks
*Word games
*Read and ask questions
*ISTEP questions from previous years


Keep checking out the blog for ideas for how to prepare!

IREAD Parent Meeting Thursday, January 23rd at 8:45 and 6:00. Please plan to attend.